I thought Noel would enjoy the photo of the electrical system near the Embassador's house. I don't know how they can figure out which wire goes to which location!ed note: yes electrical systems in other countries are amazing! Thanks
The Embassador driver took us to Baber Mahal Revisited a restaurant and shopping complex. We sat and rested while waiting for the art show to begin. I did pick up 2 singing bowls to bring back. I would like to say that I hobnobbed with the US and Italian Embassadors but I'm afraid they didn't notice me. The new President of the EU was there also. It was a show of a world famous photographer, Luigi Fieni, with photos of the Mustang area of Nepal. The photos were incredible but out of my price range. However much of the money from their sales will go to the preservation of the Tibetan and Nepali cultural heritage.
Unfortunately, many young men from Nepal are having to take jobs elsewhere in order to support their families. I think I read that 8% of citizens here have gone. This huge number of men leaving will have a great impact on Nepali culture when they return. I feel sad that the world seems to be becoming more and more the same and distinct cultures are being watered down.
Today, Wednesday we took Evie to the doctor. Her cold has really worn her down. The doctor was the same one that she saw when she was her in 2010-11 and they still had her medical record. She got some antibiotics and hopefully will feel better soon!!! Please continue to pray for her good health! I haven't heard from the trekkers except for one sms from Matt saying that he felt great and the trekking was challenging. There is a typhoon coming to Pakistan (I think) that will have some consequences for Matt and Sr. Becky. Hopefully just some rain and not any sleet. It all depends on their location at the time.
Sister LaDonna Olson, M.A.
Deaconess Community of the ELCA

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